Creating a sense of exclusivity can be a very effective marketing tactic. Check out this copy from luxury goods providers Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Singapore Airlines, and Mikimoto: "Bespoke is Rolls-Royce" "Our Singapore Airlines Suites…provide the distinguished few with their very own haven of … [Read more...] about Exclusive offer, but not for you
5 ways to amp up your presentations
A forgettable presentation is delivered by a low-energy guy. He may fidget or fumble. He reads from his slides in a monotone and expects you to just sit there and listen. He's boring. But some presenters are exciting! What they say sticks with you for years to come. An exciting presenter moves … [Read more...] about 5 ways to amp up your presentations
The BLUF Statement: Your secret PowerPoint weapon
How many presentations have you attended where the presenter took forever to get to the point? I'm betting it's probably quite a few. The problem is that presenters can often be so close to their material that they can clearly see the benefits of what they're talking about and they forget to tell … [Read more...] about The BLUF Statement: Your secret PowerPoint weapon
Hate PowerPoint? Ditch the slides.
Today I persuaded someone not to hire me. And it didn't bother me one bit, because I knew I was doing him a favor. Sometimes we're asked to communicate in ways in which we're not comfortable. When that happens, people can tell you're not at your best. In the case of my client, maybe he really … [Read more...] about Hate PowerPoint? Ditch the slides.
Don’t read your PowerPoint slides!
Sometimes you need to do a presentation for which you aren't fully prepared. Maybe you didn't get your act together, or maybe the presenter duties were thrust upon you at the last minute. Whatever the circumstances, there are usually two ways a presentation like this can go. If you're an experienced … [Read more...] about Don’t read your PowerPoint slides!
How to make a terrible first impression
How often have you heard that first impressions are important? Only about a bazillion times, right? People tend to form judgments on others within the first few seconds of meeting them. If you make a good first impression as a presenter, then you will have a more positive impact on your audience. … [Read more...] about How to make a terrible first impression
The only four PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts that matter
At Toastmasters the other day, I watched as one of my colleagues fumbled with the setup of her PowerPoint presentation. She struggled to get the deck in slide show mode. When she finally managed that, she lamented that she'd forgotten to include a black slide. Two simple keyboard shortcuts could've … [Read more...] about The only four PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts that matter
Storytelling in PowerPoint
As long as there have been people, there have been stories. From the tale of Oog the Mighty who brought down a mastadon with a single blow of his club to The Hunger Games, people love a good story! We imagine ourselves as the hero, celebrating his victories and suffering his losses right alongside … [Read more...] about Storytelling in PowerPoint