My son is wild about Teslas! He can’t afford to buy one (yet), so he wastes no opportunity to tell me how great they are and how I NEED to get one (so he can drive it). To help me to arrive at the correct decision, he’s accompanied me to an Auto Innovation show, the Tesla store, and an Electric Vehicle (EV) event where I was able to hear arguments for purchasing a Tesla from an Erudite, an Evangelist, and many Enthusiasts. It got me thinking about how when we speak publicly, we often take on one of these presentation personas. Guess which one’s the most persuasive?
I already like Teslas, but…
No doubt: Teslas are cool! I’m sold on the whole EV concept, the cars look great, and the performance is fantastic. Who doesn’t like a car that can fart? My big arguments against the vehicle are the purchase price, the virtual monopoly Tesla has on maintenance and repairs, and the need to plan out long road trips based on the locations of charging stations which may or may not be where I might stop anyway, such as a restaurant or store.
Undeterred, my son is on a mission to convert me into a Tesla owner. Really, I’m flattered that as a teenager he still likes talking to me, so I’ve done nothing to dissuade him from making his case again and again. In fact, I was the one who saw the notice for the Auto Innovation show and told him about it. With high hopes (and the knowledge that it was being held at a popular ice cream stand), we went to the show.
The Erudite at the Auto Innovation show
An Erudite is someone who possesses vast knowledge about a subject. While the Auto Innovation show was filled with them, one in particular stood out. He owned an all-electric Hyundai Kona and when I showed some interest in the vehicle he launched into a monologue about the joys of owning an EV and the wonders of alternative power sources. From solar panels to power conversions to battery charging time, he knew it all. When I would ask a question or offer a rebuttal, he could cite multiple reasons why he was correct. It was one of the most exhausting conversations I’ve ever had!
The Evangelist at the Tesla store
For an automobile dealership, the Tesla store is pretty laid back. The salespeople aren’t the least bit pushy; they let the vehicles do most of the talking. But when you engage them, you learn that they are Tesla Evangelists. They are excited to tell you how great Teslas are, how the EV lifestyle rocks, how low-maintenance the cars are, how much less damaging to the environment an EV is than an internal combustion engine. They make it seem like a great idea for you to become a Tesla owner.
The Enthusiasts at the EV Event
It was at the EV Event (held, coincidentally, at another great ice cream place) where we found the Enthusiasts. Sure, they might have possessed a vast knowledge of how to map routes between charging stations, or maybe they had memorized their cost-savings amortization tables. But they didn’t waste our time with all that boring stuff. They were bringing people out for rides in their Teslas to show us how awesome they are! One Tesla owner took us to a road with a straightaway, then punched it. We were doing 60mph in just a few seconds! We climbed in and out of every car on the lot, and we even got a ride from someone with a high-end sport model Tesla who wasn’t normally offering them. He couldn’t resist my son’s “Gee, Mister, it sure would be swell to get a ride in your car!” face! And when we spoke with them, the Tesla owners couldn’t contain their joy about how happy they were with their vehicles.
What kind of presenter are you?
If you’re an Erudite, you load lots of information and data into your presentations. Your communication tends to be one-way and your purpose is to impart knowledge. As an Evangelist, you dispense advice and tell people how they will benefit by heeding it. But when you’re an Enthusiast, you can truly connect with your audience. You gush excitedly about your subject and your mood is contagious! You do demonstrations, provide experiences, and show your joy.
It can help to let a little bit of the Erudite persona in to drop some knowledge, and the Evangelist is always welcome to let the audience know how great things will be if they follow your recommendations. But actions always speak louder than words. When you’re presenting, being an Enthusiast can make even the most so-called boring subject come alive!