"There is no such thing as a boring project. There are only boring executions." So said Irene Etzkorn, one of the United States' leading experts on plain English writing and simplifying communications. Many of us will be faced at some point with communicating information on a boring subject. But … [Read more...] about How to make presentations less boring
Body language: Why it’s important
Many times, we presenters practice our speeches by memorizing our scripts. We think that by getting all of the words right, we'll be clearly communicating to our audience. But actually, your words are but one component of your presentation. You also need to be aware of your nonverbal communication. … [Read more...] about Body language: Why it’s important
Five ways to avoid presentation glitches
PowerPoint can be an excellent tool for presenters, but it can be a big distraction when things don’t go as planned. How well you prepare ahead of time and how you react to the inevitable technical glitches can mean the difference between being seen as a seasoned presenter and an inexperienced … [Read more...] about Five ways to avoid presentation glitches
Watch those pop culture references
Have you ever made a reference to popular culture in conversation only to have it land solidly on the floor with a dull thud? If you have kids, you know exactly what I'm talking about. (You: "Good night, John-Boy!" Your kid: "Who's John-Boy?") You might also have experienced this when talking to a … [Read more...] about Watch those pop culture references
Exclusive offer, but not for you
Creating a sense of exclusivity can be a very effective marketing tactic. Check out this copy from luxury goods providers Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Singapore Airlines, and Mikimoto: "Bespoke is Rolls-Royce" "Our Singapore Airlines Suites…provide the distinguished few with their very own haven of … [Read more...] about Exclusive offer, but not for you
How to fix a boring presentation
Do boring presenters set out to be that way? Do they wake up in the morning and say to themselves, "Gee, I hope I can get someone in the room to fall asleep during my presentation today!" or "I want to over-complicate my presentation so the investors don't know whether or not to fund me." Of course … [Read more...] about How to fix a boring presentation
What happens when you assume?
"As I'm sure you're all aware…" "We all know that…" "Is there anybody in the world who doesn't like…" If you attend live presentations such as meetings, conferences, and lectures, maybe you've heard one of these lead-in phrases. If you haven't, congratulations! You've been spared the shame … [Read more...] about What happens when you assume?
How do camp counselors communicate so well?
Just about the last place you might turn for inspiration on public speaking might be summer camp. In fact, summer camp is full of experienced speakers who engage with difficult audiences all day long. The job of a camp counselor is to guide kids through the activities at camp; to ensure that their … [Read more...] about How do camp counselors communicate so well?